Season 2, Episode 2: The Connection Between Code and Culture | Brian Powell
Welcome to the LabVIEW Experiment, turning LabVIEW Developers into LabVIEW Experts,
one episode at a time! We believe in the idea that failure is a step in the process to become successful.
What are we discussing today?
Brian Powell has over 30 years of technology experience as an engineering manager, software architect, VP of Engineering, and other roles. A regular conference speaker, Brian has given technical sessions and keynotes at events such as IEEE AutoTestCon, SXSW, the International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, NIWeek, and GDevCon. He worked for National Instruments for over 26 years, and later worked in healthcare and Insuretech. Brian is a Certified LabVIEW Architect, LabVIEW Champion, and Certified Professional Instructor.
In this episode, Sam and Brian talk about how saying you have a company culture and acting on it are very different and of course how that relates to code.
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Notes from today’s episode:
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