Season 3, Episode 6: Running a Value Driven Business | Andy MacDonald

Welcome to the LabVIEW Experiment, turning LabVIEW Developers into LabVIEW Experts,
one episode at a time! We believe in the idea that failure is a step in the process to become successful.

What are we discussing today?

Andy MacDonald is a mechanical engineer who spent a decade in the manufacturing world. He was inspired by the power and potential of LabVIEW and saw a hole in the market. He decided to start a company to try to fill it, while creating secure jobs and prosperity for our community in the process. His company VoxSomnia is based in Chicago and has been running two years strong.

In this episode Sam and Andy discuss what it’s like to run a business driven on values.

Don’t forget to watch, follow, and subscribe on YouTube!

Notes from today’s episode:

If you’d like to learn more about Andy:

If you want to learn more about VoxSomnia:

Impact and Clarity Book:

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Book:

If you’d like to learn more about Sam:

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Season 3, Episode 7: Teaching the Abstract | Clare Sudbery


Season 3, Episode 5: A Case for Experimentation | Eric Stach