Season 2, Episode 11: Goals of Design | Kyle Aretae

Welcome to the LabVIEW Experiment, turning LabVIEW Developers into LabVIEW Experts,
one episode at a time! We believe in the idea that failure is a step in the process to become successful.

What are we discussing today?

Kyle started writing code in '81, and started work at his dad's software shop in '82. He gave up code for teaching in '92 when he discovered his love of helping people improve. He gave up teaching kids for teaching code in '97 when he discovered teachers don't get paid. In '00, he converted to evangelical eXtreme Programming, doing, teaching how, and proselytizing.

Since then he's become a generalist on "lets build software better" and has concluded that the biggest problem along the way is a poor understanding of "better". For a couple years, he was CIO for Swanleap, the Inc #1 fastest growing startup in the US. Now he's again looking for work building software better.

In this episode, Sam and Kyle talk about the five goals of software development and how distinguishing between them can help you run projects better.

Don’t forget to watch, follow, and subscribe on YouTube!

Notes from today’s episode:


Season 2, Episode 12: A Broader Perspective of LabVIEW | Ben Leedom


Season 2, Episode 10: The Biggest Lie | John Wu